Polyverse Filterverse
Effect filter plug-in for creatives
Author: Peter Kaminski
The Filterverse plug-in from Polyverse has been in development for the last three years. The first beta was already available in spring 2024 - and in December 2024, the release version 1.0 was announced, on which we took a closer look. Filterverse is not a filter designed to optimize the sound; it offers a wide range of filter effects that go far beyond normal filter sounds. These filters can be dynamically modified using extensive modulation options.
Requirements and installation
The plug-in is available for Windows (from Window 10) and macOS X (from version 10.13) as VST, VST3, AAX and as AU (macOS).
Installation is done using an installer with options for the various plug-in formats.
When you purchase the plug-in, a license file is provided, which is required for licensing after the plug-in is started for the first time. To do this, drag and drop the license file onto the plug-in using your mouse.
The GUI is divided into an upper and a lower part. At the top, you can set the filters, and at the bottom, you can switch the display between the preset browser and the modulation section. In the preset browser, in addition to a name search option, there is also a search function for characteristics using assigned tags. When a preset is selected, a short description is displayed on the left. Each preset can also be marked as a favorite using the heart icon. The mouse wheel and the cursor keys can be used to scroll through the presets. There are also three different display modes (five, four or two presets per row), which can be selected using icons.
The cogwheel symbol gives you access to the settings menu. Global parameters such as the size of the GUI can be set here, and the ratio of quality to CPU resources can be changed in three stages, as can the tuning, the scale, and the MIDI pitch wheel range.
Three filters can be used simultaneously, which can be connected in different ways (see figure above): in series, in parallel, or in mixed variants.
The three filters can be selected using the tabs at the top. You will then see a filter selection on the left and a short description of the filter with some key data on the right (see figure above).
At the time of testing (version 1.0), there are 25 different filter types. The “Bypass” filter type can be used to loop the audio signal unprocessed without filtering. Further filter types will certainly follow with updates.
The GUI and the parameters offered adapt to the selected filter type. The knob not only allows you to adjust the output level but also to set a dry/wet ratio between the processed and original signals, as well as the stereo panorama. Mid/side processing is also possible using the “M/S” button.
In addition to the many filter types, parameter modulation is particularly important in the plug-in concept. There are up to eight slots for modulation sources. The modulations can also be used for stereo effects.
There are eight generators or sources to choose from. The most complex is certainly the sequencer modulator. The “Meta Knob” modulator is also interesting, as it can be used to change various parameters simultaneously.
If you click on the small icon on the right, the respective modulator dialog opens, and the parameters can be changed, and if necessary, waveforms can be drawn or envelopes can be changed with the mouse.
Below the parameter that can be modulated, there is a small icon (see figure above). Clicking on it (see red arrow) opens a dialog in which the modulation index can be set using a fader. The current modulation states are displayed using small bars to the left of the faders.
Modulations can also be made using MIDI controllers, for example using the modulation wheel or other MIDI CC. Of course, this always works a little differently depending on the DAW.
For example, with Steinberg's Cubase or Nuendo, you can create a MIDI track and then assign the inputs and outputs (see figure above). In this example, an Arturia KeyLab 61 controls the filter verse, which has been integrated into a track with a virtual synthesizer.
Once there is a connection from the controller to the plug-in, a controller can be taught using a MIDI learn function (activate and move the MIDI controller). To do this, you have to right-click on a parameter. The dialog then appears.
MIDI controllers that have been remembefred can also be removed again using the dialog.
We tested the Filterverse plug-in version 1.0 on an AudioKern B14 DAW from Digital Audio Service, using Windows 11 with Nuendo 13.0.51 as the DAW host software. The operation is very structured ,and a comprehensive 120+ page manual in English helps to answer any open questions. We did not experience any problems during operation. With the maximum setting of the CPU/Quality parameter, a lot of CPU power is required. However, this is not an excessive demand for a modern workstation. The middle setting can be used without hesitation, and it also offers the best balance between sound quality and performance.
The range of filters is extremely extensive, as are the adjustable parameters of a filter. From the well-known ladder filter (low-pass, band-pass, high-pass with first to fourth order), Butterwoth filter, multi-band filter, vowel filter, to more specialized filters, such as those used to achieve phaser or flanger effects or filters for physical modeling, reverb-like filter effects, guitar speaker simulation, and delay effects including granular delays. Many filters can also be set to oscillate or offer saturation effects.
The number and high quality of the presets is remarkable. Hundreds of presets are available for the user. Searching by tags or features quickly brings up presets that fit the current needs - and they can be easily modified if necessary. With some presets, it's hard to believe that these sounds can be realized with filters. The sonic range is enormous, not least due to the extensive modulation options.
The plug-in can be purchased directly from the manufacturer's website for $149. Filterverse offers effect filters for creative and experimental users. The extremely large number of presets makes it easy for users to quickly find something interesting in terms of sound. The plug-in can be used for everything from pop music productions to experimental music. Filterverse is an interesting asset, especially when combined with virtual instruments and synthesizers or with electric guitars - and creative users will be able to produce interesting sounds with acoustic recordings and vocals.