Best Service Low End Toys by 10 Phantom Rooms

BestService LowEnd

This innovative Kontakt instrument is composed of a unique mix of acoustic, mechanical, and electronic toy instruments and toys. The available sounds were carefully recorded with high-frequency microphones up to 100 kHz and pitched down by 2 to 3 octaves to achieve an unprecedented depth of sound.

Low End Toys offers over 160 presets based on a unique collection of toys and toy instruments, making it perfect for film scores, electronic tracks, and experimental music. The collection includes:

  • Toy robots, remote-controlled cars, and drones
  • Magnetic, wood, and glass toys
  • Steam locomotives and toy trains
  • Toy pianos, organs, xylophones, guitars, flutes, melodicas, and bells
  • Vintage mechanical and electro-acoustic toys
  • Unique modded toys

Created by sound design veterans and composers Tobias Menguser, Paul Haslinger, and Peter Baumann, this library benefits from decades of experience. This combined expertise and creativity make Low End Toys a library like no other.