Moog One Firmware v1.5.0

Moog1 firmware

Firmware v1.5.0 substantially expands Moog One’s CV Input/Output capabilities. This update also introduces new user-accessible tuning, voice card, and system calibrations, as well as bug fixes and feature improvements. See a detailed list of all new features and improvements in the Moog One Firmware v1.5.0 Release Notes.

In This Firmware Release

  • CV Input/Output implementation greatly expanded
    - 10 new CV/Pedal Input Functions (including Expression)
    - 14 new CV Output Sources
  • New user-facing calibration routines
    - Voice Card Calibrations ensure optimal tuning and response of all components of the analog voice circuits.
    - System Calibrations ensure proper functionality of the inputs, outputs, potentiometers, and the LHC.
  • Sustain and Sostenuto functionality is now fully implemented
  • New “Return to Zero All” command
  • Sequences across all synths now stay in sync when Master Tempo is adjusted
  • Fix for stuck notes in Unison Mode
  • And much more