Arturia Rev LX-24

Arturia Rev LX 24

Rev LX-24 is an enhanced virtual replica of a retro ambience box that defined reverb for a generation. Make your mixes bloom with real-feeling space, cave depth atmosphere, and subtly-sparkling texture in seconds with a vintage digital sound that refuses to get old.

The classic cream-colored box with those famously spacious algorithms; reanimated in detail, upgraded, and primed for DAW production. Endless canyon reflections, crisp ambient clouds, or small room bounciness; the clean, musical, must-have reverb that changed the game. The missing magic on vocal tracks, the vital spaciousness on drums, the epic long decays on synth melodies - Rev LX-24 works with any sound. Discover a totally different side to reverb with upgraded features, from colorful visual editing to sidechain-like effects.