PACE Anti-Piracy, Inc. sponsors 2024 AES Conference on Automotive Audio


PACE Anti-Piracy, Inc., a pioneer in software security and licensing solutions, announces its sponsorship and exhibition at the 2024 AES 5th International Conference on Automotive Audio. This prestigious event will take place from June 26-28, 2024, at Uni3 by Geely in Gothenburg, Sweden.

The AES Automotive Conference is a premier event that brings together hundreds of automotive audio professionals from around the globe. It offers a unique opportunity to network, learn, and experience the latest advancements in automotive audio technology. The conference will feature a three-day program filled with educational content for all audio engineers in the automotive space. Attendees can look forward to workshops, demonstrations, peer-reviewed papers, and in-person networking, providing an in-depth look at the state-of-the-art in automotive audio.

Workshop by PACE Anti-Piracy:

  • Date: Friday, June 28, 2024
  • Time: 4:00pm - 4:30pm
  • Title: Protecting the Value of Your Audio Algorithms
  • Topic: Automotive scenarios are some of the most challenging for audio deployments. Engine and tyre noise, wind, and poor acoustic dynamics of vehicle cabs all contribute to pollute the listening experience - nevermind trying to hold a clear and intelligent phone conversation. Combating these challenges means that advanced audio algorithms need to be developed, increasingly using AI and ML techniques. These advanced audio algorithms are valuable. Valuable in terms of the revenue they can generate; and valuable in terms of how intellectual property can underpin a company’s worth. Many organizations have been built on the value of their audio algorithms. The unfortunate truth is that valuable algorithms are targeted by hackers and unscrupulous competitors alike. They are looking to gain from the developers’ hard work. Algorithms are reverse engineered to learn their secrets, or simply lifted wholesale and used in unlicensed deployments. In this tutorial, PACE Anti-Piracy will share its 35 years experience of protecting software intellectual property, discussing the risks of reverse engineering, and providing practical steps you can take to protect your algorithms. Protecting your algorithms ultimately protects the value of your business.
  • Presenters: Neal Michie, Director of Product Management, PACE

Over the past two decades, automotive audio has evolved from basic mono sound systems to sophisticated multichannel playback systems that are fully integrated and finely tuned for specific vehicles. Today, automotive audio is at the forefront of sound technology development, incorporating the latest advancements to deliver immersive audio experiences within the automotive industry.

The conference will cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • Artificial intelligence applications in automotive audio
  • Advanced sound reproduction in cars
  • Virtual acoustics
  • Voice and speech technologies
  • Combinations of complementary scientific fields such as power electronics, bus systems, loudspeaker drive units, signal processing (DSP), acoustics, and vibrations (NVH)

Attendees will gain insights into these emerging disciplines and how they are shaping the future of automotive audio. In addition to the main events, the conference offers a curated "Social Programme" featuring tours of local attractions, perfect for those traveling from the USA and looking to combine the event with a European vacation.

PACE Anti-Piracy, Inc. sponsors and support the AES Automotive Conference and looks forward to contributing to the ongoing advancements in automotive audio technology. Please note: This event is sold out.