Lawo doubles the Number of HOME Apps

Lawo HOME Apps Collection

At IBC 2024 (booth 8.B90), Lawo will announce that its HOME Apps platform now hosts nine essential processing apps, effectively doubling the previous offering - with more apps to follow in a few weeks. All run on the same generic compute and offer the convenience that they can be configured and shared among locations using Lawo’s HOME management platform. The current line-up reads as follows: HOME Multiviewer, HOME UDX Converter with HDR processing, HOME Stream Transcoder and HOME Graphic Inserter are joined by the first audio app, HOME mc² DSP, HOME Test Pattern/Test Tone Generator (TPG), a powerful HOME Color Corrector with HDR Processing, a must-have HOME Timecode Generator, and HOME Delay for alignment purposes.

“Lawo’s HOME Apps platform exemplifies the inherent value of the Second Wave of the broadcast industry’s IP journey,” says Phil Myers, Lawo’s CTO. “Decoupling container-based processing from the hardware that computes it offers next-generation benefits.” These include the ability to seamlessly scale to different and/or more powerful generic compute platforms and architectures, to expand the feature set of existing apps at short notice, to instantly start and stop HOME Apps, and to intuitively “assemble” cutting-edge processing blocks with a choice of microservice-based components. The underlying agility of this highly modular process is abstracted by HOME’s intuitive user interface. It allows users to make a number of straightforward choices regarding transport formats (SMPTE ST2110, SRT, NDI, Dante), inputs and outputs, and more, for the HOME App processing functionality they are configuring.

Similarly, enhancements and changes to existing building blocks are easy to implement. This built-in agility furthermore allows Lawo to release new system versions at intervals that would be unsustainable for traditional monolithic hardware-based systems. “To fully leverage the value that is being added to the HOME Apps platform on an almost weekly basis, Lawo recommends licensing HOME Apps through Lawo Flex Subscriptions,” adds Jamie Dunn, Lawo’s Deputy CEO. “Users of Flex Subscriptions enjoy the flexibility to use all existing and future HOME Apps for frequently changing production requirements on a fixed budget.” Lawo’s Flex Subscriptions even go beyond the HOME Apps platform: they can also be used to unlock optional functionality on .edge and within HOME itself.