AVcon: LEaT con Expands the ProAV Sector

LEaTcon 2023

"The AVcon" is the new brand name for the accompanying AV exhibition at LEaT con in Hamburg. The name change from Human X Work to AVcon is a logical consequence of market demands and the continuous convergence between ProAV and the IT world. Its focus is on hardware and software solutions in modern working environments and media installations for companies, institutions, public buildings, and educational sectors. It encompasses the entire spectrum of AV system integration.

The AVcon sees itself as a platform for expanding one's network and for exchanging knowledge and experience. It is attached to the very successful LEaT con in Hamburg. This combination allows for a view of complementary sectors at one location and promotes synergies. The AVcon connects manufacturers of AV and IT solutions vertically with end-users in companies, institutions, and education. For visitors, this also provides the opportunity to explore complete solutions instead of individual products.

At LEaT con, already 90% of the exhibition space is booked. In the Exhibition Area of the AVcon, booth spaces are still available. The exhibition is accompanied by an extensive lecture program that highlights current and significant aspects of modern media use. The topics are particularly relevant for the digitized workplace, for conferencing and collaboration, as well as for media installations in companies, institutions, or even universities and schools, as well as theme parks, cruise ships, event locations, and public buildings.

And of course, it's no coincidence that as a special highlight, the fifth presentation of the German-speaking ProAV Awards is taking place simultaneously in Hamburg: The AVard annually recognizes the best projects and products, as well as companies and leaders in the industry. As host, PROFESSIONAL SYSTEM offers both events a common industry platform for AV and IT system integration.

The LEaT con is from October 22 until 24, 2024 at the Hamburg Messe, Hall B6. LEaT con, The AVcon, and The AVard are fairs and events hosted under the umbrella of Ebner Media Group.
