
Title Published Date
NTi-Audio introdueces the XL3 Firmware Update V1.42 27.11.2024
Sensaphonics appoints ASI Audio exclusive Global Distributor 30.07.2024
NTi Audio XL3 Acoustic Analyzer Now supports STIPA Speech Intelligibility Measurement 10.07.2024
Sound Devices Astral Series includes New Test and Measurement (T&M) Mode 21.05.2024
NTi Audio introduces their New Cloud-Based Platform MeasurEye 18.03.2024
NTi Audio introduces New GSS 5GV three-axis Vibration Monitor Device 12.03.2024
Sensaphonics introduces the dB Check Pro Sound Level Analyzer 18.01.2024
NTi Audio introduces the XL3 Firmware Update V1.26 12.01.2024
MIXED IN KEY presents the New PILOT PLUGINS 2.0 14.12.2023 Contest: Große Preisverleihung am SAE Institute Bochum 07.12.2023
Audio Precision introduces New APx516B Audio Analyzer 23.11.2023
NTi Audio introduces IB01 Impact Ball 12.10.2023
HK Audio LINEAR 5 MK II: GLL files for EASE and EASE FOCUS 3 25.09.2023
Several Hundred Martin Audio WPL Boxes used for Liquicity Festival 11.09.2023
Firmware Update for the NTi Audio Sound Level Meters XL3 27.06.2023
Adamson releases ArrayIntelligence: Design, Control & Monitor Software 15.06.2023
InMusic announce AIR Jura 30.05.2023
Sennheiser presents the technology check for Wireless Multi-Channel Audio Systems 22.05.2023
Tailor-made Bundles for the NTi Audio XL3 Sound Level Meter 27.04.2023
NTi Audio CEO Philipp Schwizer retires 25.04.2023
North Point Ministries setzt auf Riedels Artist und hybride MediorNet TDM/IP-Umgebung 18.04.2023
Martin Audio releases DISPLAY 3 Beta 5 featuring new sub array tool 05.04.2023
Listen Announces SoundCheck Version 21 06.03.2023
Listen Introduces a New Portable Dual-Channel Audio Interface 03.03.2023
NTi Audio updates XL3 Sound Level Meter with V1.11 firmware 02.03.2023
United Plugins puts past into present with JMG Sound Retronaut 15.02.2023
d&b audiotechnik showcases HeadroomCalc at ISE 2023 31.01.2023
Meyer Sound stellt mit 2100-LFC neuen revolutionären Subwoofer vor 26.01.2023
IK Multimedia Releases TONEX for iPhone and iPad 17.11.2022
Heritage Audio announces availability of TUBESESSOR 15.11.2022
CODA Audio Deutschland nimmt an der MEET teil 10.11.2022
Audio Precision Announce Vs 8.0 of its APx500 Measurement Software 07.11.2022
Pierre Arcé is the new sales director for NTi Audio France 22.09.2022