
Title Published Date
Audient offers Softube Flow Mastering Suite Trial in ARC Software Bundle 08.10.2024
Eventide announces New H9000 Harmonizer Firmware 08.10.2024
United Plugins ships SounDevice Digital Biverb 08.10.2024
Rob Papen produces PowerChord as unique Guitar Plug-in 24.09.2024
Mixland introduces the UnFairchild 670M mkII Plug-in 16.09.2024
AIR Music Tech unveils “Sonic Explorations” 09.09.2024
IK Multimedia releases T-RackS 6: Hits Made Easy 05.09.2024
MeldaProduction introduces the MSoundFactory Instrument PowerBrass 03.09.2024
Solid State Logic launch GateVerb Plug-in 27.08.2024
United Plugins collaborates with JMG Sound for Cyberdrive Plug-in 27.08.2024
Nomad Factory announces Analog Mastering Tools v2 08.08.2024
AIR Music Tech unveils AIR Sub Factory: The Ultimate Bass Synth 08.08.2024
Nembrini releases the Double Reverb Guitar Amplifier Plugin 05.08.2024
AIR Music Tech unveils Updated TimewARP 2600 30.07.2024
Baby Audio Atoms 25.07.2024
United Plugins puts out Firesonic’s FireSpacer for creating Space in a Mix 18.07.2024
AIR Music Tech unveils the Creative FX Collection 2: The Sound of Legends 16.07.2024
Nomad Factory launches British Bundle v2 in New Classic Series 09.07.2024
Sound Radix announce Major Update to Auto-Align Plugins 20.06.2024
AIR Music Tech announces Soft Clipper 18.06.2024
NUGEN Audio releases NUtility Toolkit 13.06.2024
Rob Papen announces the Multiple Effect Plug-in UniMagic 06.06.2024
Playfair Audio unveils Dynamic Grading v1.3 04.06.2024
Nembrini Audio announces Divided 11 as Class A Boutique Amplifier Plug-in 03.06.2024
Harrison Audio launch the 32Classic Channel Strip Plug-in 29.05.2024
APL VIRTUOSO Binauralisierer 21.05.2024
APL VIRTUOSO Binauralisierer 21.05.2024
MeldaProduction releases the MSoundFactory Instrument PowerStrings 13.05.2024
United Plugins introduces Instant Audio’s BassRift 07.05.2024
SSL introduces the X-DynEQ, it’s most Advanced EQ Plug-in 01.05.2024
ChopTones introduces inaugural Guitar Amp Plug-in as Vocs MV BM 01.05.2024
Dear Reality dearVR PRO 2 29.04.2024
Nomad Factory announce Magnetic Bundle 3 23.04.2024
United Plugins & SounDevice Digital introduce the Randomachine 15.04.2024
VOID & VISTA announces the Native Instruments KONTAKT Instrument FOLDS 15.04.2024
NUGEN Audio unveils New Halo Suite for Immersive Audio Workflows 10.04.2024
XILS-lab introduces the Les Diffuseurs Bundle 09.04.2024
Nembrini launches Bass Hammer Plugin 08.04.2024
Penteo Version 6 Audio Reversioning Software released 03.04.2024
sonible erweitert mit dem neuen Plug-in pure:unmask das pure:bundle 03.04.2024
sonible adds new pure:unmask to its pure:bundle collection 03.04.2024
Sinevibes releases Integer Digital-analog Buffer Device Effect Plugin 28.03.2024
More flavour for your FX: Solid State Logic launch Module8 Plug-in 26.03.2024
Polyverse Music introduces Public Beta of Filterverse 19.03.2024
iZotope revives iconic Distortion Plugin Trash 12.03.2024
MeldaProduction’s releases the MCenter Plug-In 12.02.2024
Klipsch präsentiert wetterfeste Außenlautsprecher für jede Anwendung 02.02.2024
ULTRA Events invests in the Future with d&b audiotechnik A-Series 29.01.2024
TCHC announces availability of SMALL STRING GESTURES 26.01.2024
NEUTRIK launches ‘essential’ and ‘ultimate’ Series 26.01.2024